
week 3
target audience=A specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services
message=information communicated to the audience though t or idea expressed in some form of language and prepared.
work ethic=Work ethic is a set of values based on hard work and diligence. It is also a belief in the moral benefit of work and its ability to enhance character. An example would be the Protestant work ethic. A work ethic may include being reliable, having initiative, or maintaining social skills.
employability skills=Skills relating to choosing a career, getting and keeping a job, making job and career changes, and career advancement.
20/20 Rule=Whenever you are looking at something that is within 2 feet of your eyes, you should look faraway (20 feet, if possible) for 20 seconds, before focusing on a near object again.
Right-To-Know Laws=the law requires that your employer make you aware of the hazards & provide you with the info you need to work safely.

week 4
a graphic symbol (usually a simple picture) that denotes a program or a command or a data file or a concept in a graphical user interface
vector-based graphics=
are not made up of a grid of pixels. Instead, vector graphics are comprised of paths, which are defined by a start and end point, along with other points, curves, and angles along the way.
specs/specifications of a project=A formal description of a software system that is used as a blueprint for implementing the program.
dialog box (within an application)=A box that appears on a display screen to present information or request input. Typically, dialog boxes are temporary, they disappear once you have entered the requested information.
palette (within an application)= In computer graphics, a palette is the set of available colors. For a given application, the palette may be only a subset of all the colors that can be physically displayed.

week 5 

guidelines=a light line that is used to help stay the size you want your design to stay as.
extensions= An extra feature added to a standard programming language or system.
contextual menu=When using an application or an operating systems, the menu that appears when you click on the right-hand button of a two-button mouse (also called right clicking). Single-button mouse users can bring up the contextual menu by holding down the ctrl key while clicking. The contextual menu appears at the cursor or where the pointer was placed when clicked and often contains alternate ways to use the options in the systems toolbar.
clipping mask=a shape you going to clip your image or work, on meaning that you are going to have your image or work take the shape of your mask.

week 8

hue:The color itself.
primary colors:red, blue, and yellow
secondary colors: are when two primary colors are mixed together, they are orange, green, violet.
tertiary colors: when a primary and secondary color are mixed together they are red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green,blue-green, blue-violet, and red- violet.
neutral colors: dont show up on the color wheel, colors of very low saturation blacks, grays, whites, and browns. by mixing complimentary colors.

week 9

continuous tone image:
image is one where each color at any point in the image is reproduced as a single tone, and not as discrete halftones, such as one single color for monochromatic prints, or a combination of halftones for color prints.
resolution:is the number of distinct pixels in each dimension that can be displayed
file size:

typography, typeface, serif, body type: the categories of fonts , display type, reverse type,
point size:the unit that measures font

Flush left: everything is aligned to the left.
Flush right:everything is aligned to the right.
Centered: looks at each line and centers it: gives it a formal feel.
justified: everything is lined to make it a box (line on the left and the right). gives modern look. 

Small caps:capital letters aline at waste line. (capital letters that are smaller than normal)
Lining: everything is uniform( is aligned at the top and bottom.
Non-Lining: text is not aligned at the top and bottom and can extend or go below the lines.

leading: The space in between lines of type.

Margins: extra white space (all sides of the page). Text stay within the margins.
kerning: allows you to adjust the space in-between individual characters.
tracking:allows you to adjust the space in between character paragraphs.

concept:an idea something formed in ones mind.
final product:the end results.

thumbnail: it is a quick sketch to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper.

initial cap: is a larger decretive capital letter at the beginning of text/paragraph.