Friday, November 18, 2011

Review Week 13

For each of the 8 principles of design, find an example that utilizes the principle within the design. You should have 8 DIFFERENT sample designs. For each, discuss how the particular principle is used.

In the painting, Sun's Trail by Dosia McKay, all the colors work together to make a certain mood. Plus, the lines all point in generally the same direction, making the piece less confusing.

Rhythm is created when elements are repeated. In Arcadian Rhythm by Thomas Sorrell, the rocks and the trees are repeated.

the two trees at the left seem bigger compared to the right. If the trees on the left were to be moved at the same level as the ones at the right, they'd be the same size.

Making an element of the piece more important. In the picture, the soldier is emphasised because his red shirt stands out from the grey background.Also, answer the following questions in your own words.

This painting is an example of variety because of all that is going on in the picture.  The different colors create a frenzied image.  Variety can be the opposite of unity, and this picture displays that.

The balance of a picture is similar to a see-saw. In the example, the bottom half (the large pancakes) is balanced by the upper half's three items.

All of the members are wearing uniform, and are drawn in the same style of the members are wearing uniform, and are drawn in the same style.

This picture displays contrast because of the way the dark colors make the off white stripe stand out.  The colors separate from each other which creates emphasis on the white strip.

How do you add a layer mask to a particular layer?
the button with the gray background and the white circle.
What two colors are used to create the mask?
black and white
Describe the process of using a layer mask?

the black hides the images and the wight shows it.

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