Thursday, September 15, 2011

Review Week 4

Why/how can icons be used to communicate?
useing images to state a place or object to easly comuunicate what that is to veiwers. it also can reprisent an action.

Via the internet, find 2 examples of common icons that clearly communicate their message. Post both in this entry.

girl/boys restroom
stop sign
What is the difference between copyright and public domain?
copyright is peoples work that is protected and if you take it you will be plagarizing and can be fined. public domain Openly available to everyone and not protected.

How can you avoid plagairism in this class? In other classes?
put it in your own words, dont just chang a few words put the entire thing in your own words. but with pictures do not just paste the picture and put your name down, design the image just by looking at it do not paste anyones work and call it your own. >.<

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