Thursday, September 15, 2011

Review Week 5

For each of the 5 elements of design (shape, line, texture, space, value), find an example that utilizes each element within the design (Google search for poster design, advertisements, etc). You should have 5 DIFFERENT sample designs. For each, evaluate the design in 4 to 5 sentences. Label each with the appropriate element. Then, discuss how that particular element is used and how it enhances the design.

This picture is created useing all types of shapes.Shape is one of the basic elements of design. Alone or in combination with other shapes or lines they can. convey universal meanings as well as guide the eye or organize information.Shape is an area that is contained.within an implied line, or is seen and identified because of color or value changes.Shapes have two. dimensions, length and width, and can be geometric or free-form (organic). Design in painting is basically the planned arrangement of shapes in a work of art.


This picture is all kinds of lines, it has movement as well.A line is a form with width and length, but no depth. Artists use lines to create edges, the outlines of objects. A line is created by the movement of the artist's pen. Lines of the same general appearance or lines that are quite different can form a variety of patterns that create textures, suggest movement, or lead the eye - the same as single lines. Since lines can be straight, curved, or irregularly shaped, you can also think of a line as the track of a point in motion. Vertical lines can stop eye movement. Horizontal lines symbolize rest and relaxation. Diagonal lines are dynamic and action-oriented. Lines, like points, can direct attention to a specific location in a visual image.

This picture show a texture, its like i could touch it and be able to feel it.Texture is the surface quality of an object. We experience texture when we touch objects and feel their roughness, smoothness or patterns. Texture is the artist's way of mapping these tactile impressions on to the two-dimensional picture. Texture is created by varying the pattern of light and dark areas on an object. Notice how the areas of light and dark give the impression of depth to the image above.Texture is what gives a design the feeling of a surface. It is the tactile sense of the elements in the design. In Web design, texture is visual, but it provides the illusion of physical texture. Some common textures are: rough, smooth, hard, and soft.

This picture has space which creates the image.In elements of design space is the area between and around objects. Increasing or decreasing the amount of space around an object or within a design affects the way we view that object or the whole composition.Space refers to the area that a shape or form occupies. It also refers to the background against which we see the shape or form. Space can be defined as positive and negative. The positive space of a design is the filled space in the design, often it is the shapes that make up the design. Negative space is the background. The negative space in design is as important as the positive area.

This picture shows a dark and light contrast in different areas. which helps represent the picture and its meaning and value. Value is the relative degree of lightness and darkness in a design element.Value is used to describe objects, shapes, and space.Dark areas tend to denote gloom, mystery, drama, menace. Light areas tend to denote happiness, fun, gaiety, warmth, closeness. Value refers to the relative lightness or darkness of a certain area. Value can be used for emphasis. Variations in value are used to create a focal point for the design of a picture. A light figure on a dark background will be immediately recognized as the center of attention, similarly for a dark figure on a mostly white background. Gradations of value are also used to create the illusion of depth. Areas of light and dark can give a three-dimensional impression, such as when shading areas of a person's face.

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